Friday, February 28, 2014

#21 My Conversation with Adam Silver

If I can have a conversation with anybody, it would be Adam Silver. Adam Silver is the new commissioner for the NBA. I would like to talk to him so we can talk about how the NBA works and what he does during his job. I would love to know what a commissioner does during the job, especially if its a major business. I would also talk to him about why he ruined the dunk contest this year? Last year it was perfect the way it was. Four people go head to head and they each get 2 minutes to make their dunk and five judges. And the two guys with the highest scores advance to the finals and the winner gets a certain amount of money to donate to charity.

I picked Adam Silver because what he does in the NBA must be a big deal. If i were a commissioner I would probably say that it is too much work and I wouldn't like to do all the work that he does. I would also like to see how he recruits people and arrange reservations for a basketball game. I would also like to see who he pays to make all the commercials and advertisements for people to purchase NBA gear so they make more money. I would also like to see what they do when they suspend players and take money from their salary.

Adam Silver (left) first year as an NBA commissioner. Former commissioner, David Stern (right) last time announcing the draft picks for the NBA.

#29 My Career

When I am 30 years old I would like to be a trainer for a pro basketball team. I want to be the one who helps the players if they are hurt because at Estancia I would always hang out in the trainers room and we just wait for people to come in and help them out. Whenever I was in there, I wanted to help wrap their hands or ankles. I thought being a trainer was pretty cool and you also get to learn about the body so if I get hurt, I would most likely know what to do. Every Football or Basketball game i would help out the trainer and one time I got to wrap my friends arm before the game. He said that I actually did a good job on it.

I want to be a trainer for the Golden State Warriors. I want to be their trainer because that is my favorite sports team. I also watch Backstage Lakers and what the trainer does  with them before, during, and after practice seems really fun and they have fun with the players. They joke around in the room and they get paid some good money. I also want to be a trainer because they go to every game with the team and tickets cost a lot of money.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

About Me

My name is Jerome. I am 16 years old and I was born in January. My favorite sport to play is basketball and football. I like those sports because it involves a lot of running and I love to run. I like to stay active and in shape because when I play in a tournament with my team. Our basketball team sometimes go out to Oregon and Arkansas so we can play in the tournaments. The farthest we ever got was in the finals when we lost by 3 because the other team made the luckiest half-court shot ever. When I was little I used to play football all the time. After school I used to get a snack and grab my ball then all my friends go to the park and we play a couple game then we all walk home together.

I jog 4 miles everyday. I run 2 in the morning and 2 at night. Jogging is fun to me because I love to run and stay active. I also like to play video games. I play like twice a week because I am always busy. When I do play video games I like to play NBA 214. I like to play against people who say they can beat me so I can shut them up. I also like to watch TV. Whenever I watch TV I am watching an NBA or NFL game. I like to Warriors because my favorite player, Stephen Curry, is in that team. He is my favorite because he works hard every practice and he can shoot like crazy!